The path to a responsible and safe energy transition

Eneva is one of the largest integrated energy operators, engaged in natural gas exploration and production (E&P), electricity generation, energy solutions marketing and the Free Energy and Natural Gas Market. Our mission is to “offer the best energy solutions for a responsible and secure energy transition” and vision to “create value to become one of the 5 largest energy companies in Brazil”.

We are releasing our second report in the integrated reporting format, following the publication of three annual sustainability reports. In this report we describe Eneva's strategic actions and business development, referring to the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2023. With objectivity and transparency, the document covers the Company's financial and non-financial achievements, its business model, policies, commitments, and relevant actions in accordance with the interests of our priority stakeholders.

The contents of the Integrated Report and the ESG disclosure supplement were constructed based on the principles and guidelines of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

Check out our full report:

Integrated Report 2023

See also our ESG disclosures supplement:

ESG Disclosures Supplement 2023

Message from Management

Lino Cançado

CEO of Eneva

Philippe Reichstul

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Abundant natural gas is therefore essential for the security of the electric system and the decarbonization of the Brazilian energy matrix. It facilitates the integration of intermittent and peakload renewable sources, and is the least polluting and lowest carbon-intensity fossil fuel.

ESG Commitments

Here are the advancements achieved by the ESG Commitments, introduced at the beginning of 2022, as presented in 2023. Eneva has interdependent commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the efficiency of the company's operations, develop social responsibility projects that positively impact communities directly and indirectly in the municipalities where we operate, and contribute to the consolidation of protected areas in the Legal Amazon.

Learn all our ESG Commitments

2023 at a Glance


  • R$ 4,313.5 MM
    Record annual EBITDA result (adjusted).
  • R$217.7 million
    Net income from continued operations.
  • Decrease in net debt/EBITDA
    This hit 3.99x in 2023, improving measurably on the leverage of 4.82x reported at the end of 2022.


  • 60 hectares reforested
    Ramping up the Reflorestar Program through the reforestation of 60 hectares on the Company's Legal Reserves in Maranhão.
  • Environmental Performance Index (IDA)
    Result of 81.22% in the first IDA assessment cycle, which rates the company's maturity level in 5 relevant environmental criteria for Eneva's Environmental Management System.
  • Regenerative Agriculture Study
    Participation in the study by the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, aiming to discuss and ontextualize the challenges and opportunities for advancing this topic in the country


  • LIFE Program
    The LIFE Program involves integrated workforce planning and development to support Eneva's Strategic Plan.
  • Eneva Technical Career
    Implementation of the Y Career Track, to help employees progress to managerial positions or technical specializations.
  • Valuing Regional Culture
    Support for the Parintins Festival in Amazonas, Arraiá do Povo, and Museu da Gente Sergipana, both in Sergipe state.


  • 80% approval
    Among employees in the 2nd wave of the integrity culture insight survey.
  • Company Award Pro-Ética
    Eneva was recognized by the Office of the Comptroller General, attesting to the maturity and solidity of its governance.
  • Anti-corruption Policy and Code of Ethics
    Revision of the Anti-Corruption Policy and Code of Ethics, with greater dissemination to employees.

Operating Performance

  • Futura I Solar Power Plant
    Start-up of commercial operations.
  • Azulão-Jaguatirica Complex
    Stabilization and integration.
  • Parnaíba Complex
    Further implementation of the LNG plant and cycle completion of Parnaíba VI.
  • Drilling of 14 wells
    Covering both exploration and development wells.
  • 9 MM m³ of gas/day
    Production Capacity: 8.4 MM m³ in the Parnaíba Basin (MA) and 0.6 MM m³ in the Amazonas Basin.
  • Declaration of Commercial Viability
    Of three fields: Gavião Vaqueiro in the Parnaíba Basin, and Tambaqui and Azulão Oeste, both in the Amazonas Basin.
  • Consolidated in the free energy market
    Positioning itself among the five largest energy traders in Brazil, with 18.5 million MWh marketed in the incentivized and conventional energy categories.