
Termofortaleza (The name given to the Central Thermoelectric Generator of Fortaleza) is located in the municipality of Caucaia, in the state of Ceará, about 50 kilometers from the state capital of Fortaleza. The powerplant is made up of the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecém and produces safe and competitively priced energy for the state. With a nameplate capacity of 327 MW Termofortaleza produces energy in a combined cycle process with gas and steam.

How does the combined cycle work?

Simply put, in the combined cycle, the steam produced in the gas turbine is used to heat water and produce more steam. This steam is used to move another steam turbine. In this way we generate more energy without having to use a single additional molecule of gas. It is a safe and efficient means of generating energy.

  • Termofortaleza
  • Termofortaleza