At Eneva, we are working towards a more sustainable tomorrow. We are looking to lead a transition in energy in a fair and inclusive way, contributing to the development of the municipalities where we operate and investing ever more in the conservation of the Amazon. Our energy is already transforming Brazil. It is with this self same energy that we are building a better tomorrow for everyone. Discover our ESG Journey.

Our Mission

Lead a fair and inclusive transition with energy that creates added value

Democratizing access to secure, accessible and reliable energy, making it possible for renewable energy to become the largest share in the Brazilian energy matrix
Expanding natural-gas-fuelled generation of energy, substituting more carbon-intensive fossil fuels (e.g. diesel in isolated systems) and investing in low carbon technologies
Fair and Inclusive
Contributing to socio-economic development, valuing inclusion of underprivileged and vulnerable population.
We offer integrated solutions from exploration up to the commercialization of energy
Generating Value
For all stakeholders shareholders, collaborators, suppliers, teaching institutions, public authorities and society

Building on our ESG commitments

Eneva, through its management, achievements, by listening and planning has evolved in order to define its medium and long-term ESG vision. In relation to the Brazilian energy matrix, and in line with our growth strategy and the real impact on the territories, we have arrived at three interdependent components of ESG actions.

Our ESG Performance

Each component is guided by the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and contributes to the
achievement of specific goals in the UN 2030 timetable.

3 key interdependent components to build a
positive social, economic and environmental legacy

Our ESG Performance

Reduce Emissions

Reduce Emissions

Objective 7. Guarantee modern, reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy for all. see more Objective 9. Construct resilient infrastructure, foster  inclusive and sustainable industrialization and stimulate innovation. see more Objective 13. Undo take urgent measures to combat climate change and its impact see more
  • 2020


    0.57 tCO2e/MWh – 0.45 (gas) + 0.90 (coal)

  • 2022 – 2040


    No investment in new coal plants
    Phase-out until 2040 – In line with Powering Past Coal Alliance commitment in COP26

  • 2022


    +670MW of Solar energy (Futura 1)
    R$960 MM in Renewables – Acquisition Focus

  • By 2030

    Commited Investments

    New gas plants: R$2.8 billion – Jaguatirica and Azulão I TPP
    Energy Efficiency: R$ 2 billion – Parnaíba V and VI closing of cycle
    Renewable: R$ 2.74 billion – Futura I solar complex
    Innovation: R$500MM – Investments in CCUS and Hydrogen projects

  • By 2030

    2030 Commitments

    Natural Gas – Reduce the intensity of emissions to 0.39 tCO2e/MWh
    E&P – Compensate scope 1 and 2 emissions in E&P

  • By 2050

    Ambition to achieve NET ZERO

    Gas: scopes 1, 2 and 3
    E&P: scopes 1 and 2

Improve the Social Progress Index in the municipalities where we operate and...

Improve the Social Progress Index in the municipalities where we operate and...

Objective 1. put an end to poverty of every kind, everywhere see more Objective 2. End Hunger, reach a level of dietary security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. see more Objective 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,   full and productive employment and respectable work for everyone. see more Objective 10. Reducing inequality within countries and between others. see more

Benefit 50,000 people directly and 100,000 indirectly through social projects focused on income generation and education by 2030

In the heart of the Legal Amazon region, Eneva generates added value from the monetization of Brazilian natural assets, found in three of the main onshore sedimentary basins: Parnaíba, Amazonas and Solimões. The assets are located in the interior of the country and are neighboring municipalities with a low Social Progress Index (IPS), whose diagnosis was made by the Institute of Man and the Environment of the Amazon (Imazon). In the projects carried out up to 2022, our initiatives covering a wide variety of areas have already reached 71,000 people, both directly and indirectly.

With investments that exceed R$10 billion over 10 years in the state of Maranhão, R$2 billion in a mere two year period in Amazonas state and R$1 billion in Roraima state, we realize that generating local value is part of our everyday life. Hence, we will be expanding those initiatives that have a direct impact on the territories.This will have the effect of benefiting 50,000 people directly and 100,000indirectly by 2030, through social projects focused on income generation and education.

Lines of action in progress and which will be copied:

  • Social Responsibility: Social projects aimed at vulnerable families, focusing on family farming, income generation and education, as well as the reduction of illiteracy
  • Local workforce: Training of local workforce for greater employability and exercise of citizenship
  • Local Suppliers: Promotion of initiatives that contribute to the development of the local economy
Sustainable Education
Preserve the Amazon...

Preserve the Amazon...

Objective 15. Protect, recover and  promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,  sustainably generating Forest, fighting desertification, deterring and turning around the degradation of land and, consequently, the loss of biodiversity. see more Objective 13. Undo take urgent measures to combat climate change and its impact see more Objective 17. Strengthen the means to implement sustainable development  and revitalize global partnerships for this end see more

Contribute to consolidating 500,000 hectares of protected areas in the Legal Amazon region by 2030

We currently have approximately 500 hectares under the direct management of Eneva in legal reserve or reforestation areas for legal compliance.

We aim to multiply our current direct impact by 1,000, reaching a total of 500,000 hectares through Eneva direct actions by 2030.

In order to achieve consolidation of forest lands through initiatives supported or led by Eneva, our 5 prongs are:

  • Stimulation of Bioeconomy and Agroforestry;
  • Support to Conservation Units;
  • Restoration of degraded areas;
  • Territorial monitoring;
  • Actions in line with the carbon market
Preserve the Amazon

Focusing on the following actions

Our ESG principles are linked directly to our core operations. To recap the proposals presented so far, we have the following paths:


the highest standards of excellence in governance and health and safety


local workforce for greater employability and to exercise their rights as citizens


workshops and training for the local population with a focus on environmental education


community’s involvement in bioeconomy to generate income and keep the forest in good stead


to public policies, strengthening the regulation of the carbon market in Brazil


in new technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCUS)


any damage by identifying, avoiding, reducing and offsetting emissions.

With our 3 components of action, we will guide our investments and efforts in the ESG agenda. But we know that the step taken today is in the process of construction and improvement. Above, we lay out the three guiding axes and point out the first actions to be taken, which already engage each of our employees.

In line with our commitment towards transparency and constant improvement, this is a proposal that should be updated and improved upon when faced with new conditions, feedback from our internal and external stakeholders, the emergence of new technologies and new opportunities in this sector. In this way, Eneva acts in the present, from the global stage to the individual, and contributes towards the development of a low carbon global economy.

Work with transparency

Logo GRI
Logo GHG

Work in partnership

Logo PDF
Logo Embrapa
Logo Concertação Amazônia
Logo Iamazon

Sustainability Indices and Ratings

For the first time Eneva is listed on the 18th Corporate Sustainability Index, effective for 2023. This is the first year that the company has taken part in the selection process, and is now listed among those companies with the best performances in sustainable practices in their operations.

For the second year in a row, Eneva can be found on the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2 B3), effective for 2023.

Companies that are listed on the ICO2 B3 Index, demonstrate a commitment to transparency in their emissions and project their vision as to how they’re preparing for a low carbon economy. The list has been published and is updated quarterly on the B3 website.

Eneva is among the companies that follow consolidated practises of managing the effects of climate change and water resource is in accordance with the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), one of the main indicators of transparency, accountability and

management in global sustainability. in its second year taking part, Eneva has attained a score of B in the categories of Climate Change and Water Security.